A. Introduction of our Curriculum
KS1 (P1-3): Shared Reading Approach (IELP)
- Students learn English by reading story books
- Students learn English through games and activities
Content |
Story Reading - A Unit song
- A target reader
- Games and activities
- An extra Unit reader

Phonics Learning - NET teacher |

Cooking lessons - Students cook food related to the theme of the story book. Some parent volunteers assisted the kids to cook.
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One-Minute Talk - Students share about themselves related to the topics that they have learnt
KS2 (P4-6): Task-based Approach
Content |
BYOD - Make good use of e-Platform for flipped classroom
- e-Tasks/ e-Homework: get instant feedback and do reflection immediately
- Task-based Activities: Teachers provide basic information and initiate students to search extra information by themselves. Students collect information, discuss, evaluate and do the final task in groups.
BYOD – P5 Make use of the camera and a drawing App to create a funny face with a description by using the target language. |

BYOD – P6 Make use of the computer to search information by QR codes to complete tasks in groups. |

Read to learn - By using Five Magic Steps to learn how to read
- P4 Reader’s activity: Make traffic light sandwiches after reading the story book.

Two-Minute Talk - Students select a topic and prepare a two-minute talk to share about their feelings and opinions.

DEAR Book Scheme (Drop Everything And Read) (P3-6) - Develop student's reading habit
- Read a story book twice a month

B. Activities
i) Internal Activities |
a. English Speaking Day (Every Tuesday from October) (1) Morning assembly: book sharing by students (The Theme of the Month) (2) Grand Lucky Draw: Students get tickets as a reward in lessons and for doing homework, when they participate actively in the lessons or activities, and so on. Those who get tickets can join the class lucky draw and the grand lucky draw. |

(3) Lunch Time: SKTV Our NET and some students are the MC. They share different kinds of topics with schoolmates. SKTV takes place once a month during lunch time. |

(4) Lunch Time: Square Channel (P4 or P5 or P6 students present) - Students prepare an interesting talk for P2-4 students. The little kids can answer and ask questions during the talk.

(5) English Fun Day - We usually have booth games
- Inter-Class competition
b. Enrichment Classes (P1, 4, 5) - Our NET prepares different stuff to motivate students to speak and learn. Students are enriched by different kinds of games and activities during the classes.
c. Extra-Curricular Activities (1) English Safari: Games and Adventure - Students are the hosts of this activities. Students are responsible for designing the activities and games for themselves so that they can have a great adventure during the year.

(2) Cheery Theatre: English Drama - Students practise drama in English. They are trained by a professional tutor. Students have opportunities to perform at school.

(3) Language Arts Corner: Story Telling and Poem presentation - Students learn how to tell a story with a proper tone and how to read a poem with intonation and gestures. Students also learn how to read drama scripts.

ii) External Activities |
a. Summer Study Tour (1) New Zealand Study Tour - Students joined a 14-day study tour in New Zealand. They all stayed with a host family so as to get used to their culture and have more exposures to the new environment.

b. American Funfair at a Secondary School - Students meet friends and missionaries from the USA and play games there.

c. Activities held by SCOLAR (1) e-Writing in Action - Students were motivated by reading a story, playing an online game and doing some group activities. They finally designed a poster about NOT bullying others.
